Website Ribbon LDP: BYE BYE EQ

jeudi 7 février 2008


Petit pincement au coeur, j'ai décidé d'arrêter Everquest après presque 8 années...C'est vrai koi, la vraie vie ça existe aussi, je peux quand même pas tuer des monstres toutes les soirées cinq fois par semaine plus le dimanche, ça devenait franchement antisocial !

Voilà mon 'testament' que j'ai posté sur le forum de ma guilde, les Pikeys !

Dear guildies,

The time has come for me to definitely say Farewell to Everquest. It is just not compatible anymore with my social life and, tbh, there is also a burn out effect. I think I slowly lost interest those last months in the way EQ works, and the current break just confirmed this feeling.

EQ is just too demanding, you have to spend literally hours per day in front of your PC if you wanna have some chance to progress, not to speak of the raiding duty, and I have no pleasure anymore in doing this. I could become a casual player, but we all know EQ is not suited for this profile.

I feel a little bit sad of course, especially considering my time in Pikeys where I met great and open minded people. Apologizes if I cannot citate everyone, but allow me to /wave to Conj and Wabb especially who were my closest buddies in this game and to all other members of the magician class, Abamin, Angelia, Sash (and Cramp who quitted too) who were highly educated and interesting people it was always a pleasure to chat with. And /wave to the magician Pikey channel (including honorary mages like Adroxia -who doesn't chat a lot but lurks all the time, he!-, Shredclaw and Devilfish), keep the non EQ related chat about politics, science, culture or football (mehh) high in this channel, it was always refreshing and always fun

Let me say good bye also to my old Twilight Dreamers buddies, Petauldi, Kristin, Guma, Dundulin and to all guildies I had a human and nice feeling with : Apos and Hau, Devil & Green (gone...), Shizukha (une fois !), Kyllexx, Garot, Feo, May, Tuer (May and Tuer despite their evil comments about mage pets after SoF release ), Blooddy, Veli, Jeril (where are you Diva !) and all others of course. And last but not least, a special price for kindness and education to Belaraform Ave, Bela, Reallifeturi te salutant...

As you guess, it is a bit hard to take this decision but I think I must "go on" on the mysterious path of -real- life and that it is not possible anymore to spend hours in front of my screen factioning, grinding and then raiding in the evening. Nonetheless, my time with Pikeys was a great one and I still believe this guild is a very open minded and friendly one, with tons of interesting people and a globally very nice atmosphere. I wish Adro and Purr good luck with further Pikey successes and I hope to read on the site soon that the Two Gods have been owned !!!

I would like to make the guild a small present as I will not play anymore. I gave Conjurous my two account keys (primary account is for Adon, secondary for Sarastro) and all my possessions except a sum of 500k I am donating to the guild for whatever you need (TS stuff etc.). It is not very much but I just wanted to leave something which could help all guildies a little bit.

This time I won't come back, so allow me, with a little sadness in my heart, to say good bye to all of you and to wish you all tons of successes and cool adventures.

Farewell, Pikeys

Adon (Olivier)

Fichier hébergé par

Adonhiram Jibulum
Gobantik's Petmage

3 commentaires:

Le Moine-Hérisson Fou'rbe a dit…

Sacrée LvdS, jamais dans la demi-mesure, hein ? ^^
Bon heureusement que les Dr. Sigmund et Songe sont là..
Quant à ton serviteur, il pratique au besoin la paddle-therapy (sur ordonnance)

Sigmund a dit…

Sevrages intensifs... mouuaif....

N'empêche que depuis que le Hérisson nous parle de paddle, il faudra qu'il nous explique comment ça fonctionne... façon Michel Chevalet!!!!

(navré de ne pas avoir pris le temps de répondre à ton dernier mail... mais en ce moment au bureau, j'essaye de ne pas jouer à Claude François... après la découverte d'une fuite d'eau via une gaine électrique!!!!)

Ludivine van de Spock a dit…

Ouh là là Siegmund, tu prends des risques là... tu veux vraiment qu'on t'EXPLIQUE comment ça marche la paddle ?

Hé oui, jamais de demi-mesures avec Ludivineke ! Soyons extrêmes !